Monday, August 16, 2010

The End is Near

Some people say that they enjoy pregnancy. They say it's is nothing but flowers and butterflies. This was not exactly my experience. The first trimester I was VERY sick and VERY tired. The second trimester was definitely better. The third trimester, I felt large, uncomfortable, and it was 500 degrees outside.

Call me vain but I just wanted my body back. I like my brand name jeans and I really wanted to be in them. So at my 35th week appt. I asked my doctor how things were going to work and what the options were for scheduling an induction. I was expecting her to say I had to go to 40 weeks. I knew that she would not let me go over 40 weeks because Paxton had been measuring big. So, when she told me I could go in at 39 weeks I said "I will take it!" So we were scheduled to be induced on Wednesday, June 23rd.

I had my last doctor appt. on Monday, June 21st. I had not progressed at all. This was very frustrating. I cried. Then, I cried more. I wanted things to start up on their own, but that obviously was not going to happen! So, the Doc scheduled us to come in Tuesday night at 7:00 pm.

We were instructed to call L&D before leaving the house to make sure they had a room available. It was a good thing we did because 7:00 turned into 8:00. Then 8:00 turned into 10:00. Just after 10:00 the called us and said we had the green light.

We got to the hospital and got all checked in. They then started the process to "ripen" my cervix with the cytotec (I think that's what it was). They also gave me an ambien to sleep because of the discomfort that can come along with the ripening. I have never taken a sleeping pill in my life- I was OUT!

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