Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bumbo Time!!

So recently Paxton has really been crazy about holding her head up! She fights being burped because she wants to be a big girl and sit up on her own! Tonight she was sitting in my lap for a good 15 minutes straight holding her head up. So I figured it was time to break out her Bumbo chair. My baby girl is growing up so fast!


My BabyHawk finally came in! It was on time but it seems like it was forever. So any who, I tried it out for the first time today!!

Now if only I could buy something that would take the baby weight off!! :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Paxton – 2 months

Paxton is two months old! My baby girl seems to be growing up so fast. I just look at her and I can’t believe how big she is already. Two months doesn’t seem like a long time to me but I swear so many things have changed in our lives in just two months. Baby Paxton has moved on from her newborn clothing and is now in size 0-3 months and size 1 diapers. She is still calmed by laying on Mommy’s chest and her favorite binky.

Paxton had her 2 month check up today. She had 3 rounds of vaccines given to her (2 shots and one by mouth). Let me tell you she hated those shots but probably not nearly as much as Mommy! She was fussy and had a small fever for a good 36 hours following the shots. But this too we have survived. Her measurements were 11 lbs 15 oz (75%), 23.25” long (80%) and her head circumference was 16” (89%). We have a big baby!!

We are still battling reflux with Paxton. She is still spitting up A LOT and getting the hiccups A LOT. The congestion has gotten a little better, she is only spitting up out her nose about 4-5 times a week instead of multiple times every day, and the choking is much better. She is on prevacid and we have switched to 100% formula because of the reflux. She is now on the regular Enfamil Premium formula and takes about 4 oz per feeding at week 8. We had tried the Enfamil AR for a bit but it caused poop issues for her. The formula has really slowed things down and we are down to one dirty diaper a day. Pax likes to wait for Daddy to come home to do the business. He has to really “talk” it out of her. Here is a picture of Daddy trying to tell her how it’s done. You have to love it!
I have read so many books, blogs and suggestions on baby sleep schedules and routines. We have taken a little from here and there and mixed them together to get what works best for us. We are currently on a 3 hour schedule during the day (5am, 8am, 11 am, 2 pm, 5 pm, 8 pm). I try to get her to do a feed/wake/sleep schedule. Sometimes this works sometimes it doesn’t. When we are out running errands she normally sleeps off and on when she wants. When we are at home we shoot for a 1 to 1.5 hour nap during each 3 hour increment. Paxton has a fussy time everyday from about 5pm to 8pm. I think she is sleepy but fights to stay awake because that is when Daddy is home.

Paxton’s nighttime sleeping has just started getting better at about 8 weeks. She sleeps best in her crib and has to be swaddled like a little baby burrito. She sleeps 8pm-3am(ish) most nights. I can normally sooth her back to sleep until 5am(ish). At around 5-5:30am she will take a bottle. After this feeding I get her back down but she normally will only sleep until 6:30-7:00. I think I need to get black out fabric to sew to her drapes to fix this!

Here is her bedtime routine:

• medicine at 7:30pm
• Mommy gives her a bath or wash up (depending on the day)-She loves bath time!!
• Mommy massages her and gets her dressed for bed
• Daddy gives you your 8:00pm bottle
• Daddy swaddles you and reads you a bedtime story
• down to bed

We have started to increase the amount of tummy time every day and I can tell a huge difference in her neck strength! She is getting so good at holding her head up. It is actually getting harder to burp her because she is constantly trying to lift her head up and move it around. She even had an accidental roll over at about 8 weeks. MeMaw Sharon and Aunt Shelby were there to witness it and I even caught it on camera! We told the pediatrician about this and he was very surprised she rolled over at such a young age. He thought we were saying she rolled off the bed at first! Paxton also started to really smile about 6 weeks. It is seriously the most magical thing I have ever seen. I pray that I remember this sweet toothless baby smile forever. I would box it up and carry it everywhere with me if I could! Along with the smile we have also started to get the drool! That’s okay though I will take them anyway I can get them!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

The End is Near

Some people say that they enjoy pregnancy. They say it's is nothing but flowers and butterflies. This was not exactly my experience. The first trimester I was VERY sick and VERY tired. The second trimester was definitely better. The third trimester, I felt large, uncomfortable, and it was 500 degrees outside.

Call me vain but I just wanted my body back. I like my brand name jeans and I really wanted to be in them. So at my 35th week appt. I asked my doctor how things were going to work and what the options were for scheduling an induction. I was expecting her to say I had to go to 40 weeks. I knew that she would not let me go over 40 weeks because Paxton had been measuring big. So, when she told me I could go in at 39 weeks I said "I will take it!" So we were scheduled to be induced on Wednesday, June 23rd.

I had my last doctor appt. on Monday, June 21st. I had not progressed at all. This was very frustrating. I cried. Then, I cried more. I wanted things to start up on their own, but that obviously was not going to happen! So, the Doc scheduled us to come in Tuesday night at 7:00 pm.

We were instructed to call L&D before leaving the house to make sure they had a room available. It was a good thing we did because 7:00 turned into 8:00. Then 8:00 turned into 10:00. Just after 10:00 the called us and said we had the green light.

We got to the hospital and got all checked in. They then started the process to "ripen" my cervix with the cytotec (I think that's what it was). They also gave me an ambien to sleep because of the discomfort that can come along with the ripening. I have never taken a sleeping pill in my life- I was OUT!

Back in Action

So it has obviously been forever since I have posted on here. I am going to try to keep this up as a journal of our life with Baby Paxton. I want to be able to share everything with our family and friends and also use this for Paxton to be able to look back on in the future.

So I will try to be better with keeping up to date on everything. I will start by back tracking to the end of my pregnancy and work my way to the present.

Talk to you soon!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Embrace the camera

I was recently reading a blog that I look at every now and then and then as always it led me to another blog, and then another (this why I have to be careful reading blogs, it can eat up my day) and I came across Emily and her "Embrace the Camera" challenge.

Basically it is a challenge for you to take pictures with your children. What she is saying is that we are mostly behind the camera taking pictures of the babes and we do not get in the pictures ourselves. Mom's always have excuses about the way they look- no make-up, bad hair day, still in my jammies. But when your children are older these are the pictures that they will cherish most! Even though I hate to say it, she is right.

So here is the start of my baby girl Paxton and I embracing the camera!