Thursday, February 24, 2011

7 to 8 months!

Just as Paxton hit the 7th month mark she became mobile! She mainly does this army crawl/scoot thing to get around everywhere. Towards the end of her 7th month she started crawling on her knees some (that post is here) but almost always reverts back to the army crawl. It is probably because most of our floors are hard and she cannot get traction. She has started pulling herself up into my lap (which I love) and hold her hands up in the air for you to pick her up.

Paxton on the move!

Pax also tries to pull the cat’s hair pet the cat. When she gets really excited she swings her arms up and down (which means we get hit A LOT). Recently she has started to point at objects in books. I am not sure if she has any clue what she is pointing at but, I will say tree, that is a tree Paxton and if I know the sign I will show her.

Her favorite toy is still her kitchen. She also loves knocking over her stacking cups from Discovery Toys. Paxton has started showing a great deal of interest. I typically keep it on Nick Jr. during the day for background noise. That way it is no big deal if she glances up at it here and there. But lately, I have had to turn it to Toddler Tunes when I notice she is getting glued to it. I don’t want her watching too much TV. I will, however, put on one of her Baby Signing Time DVDs every now and then. She gets so excited when the music starts, she loves it! I try to be consistent and show her signs but she has not done any on her own yet. Most of the time she just smiles and giggles at me when I do them.

Sleeping has gotten better now that we are settled in the new place and her cold is gone. She has started sitting up in her crib but that has not seemed to affect her sleeping so far (whew). Paxton is still getting four 7 oz bottles (she eats an avg. of 5-6 oz each time) and solids three times a day. We added poultry to the solid food menu. However, she is not really liking anything over a stage 2 because if the texture. Veggies are still her favorite. She does love puffs though (like the Gerber baby puffs). The sippy cup is still going over well but there is no still no interest in holding the bottle herself.

We had a few visitors come and hang out with us this month. Paxton’s MeMaw and one of my besties, Krysta, and her 18 month old daughter, Hannah. It was great getting to visit with everyone! Paxton had her first trip to the park and she loved it! There is a park that is only a few minutes walking distance from the new house. Very convenient! She loved the swing and going down the slide with Mommy and Daddy!

Paxton and MeMaw

She loves the swing!

Flying High!

I love you Baby Bear! You are such a blessing to our family!

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