Monday, April 20, 2009

Fall and go Boom?

That's exactly what Jud did while playing basketball. Can you imagine being 6'7" and falling down. Ouch! Check out his ankle. This picture is about a week after it happened and it still looks this bad!

I know how some of you guys l-o-v-e feet. This one is for y'all!

x x x

Friday, April 10, 2009

My Precious Little Things

Check out our Fur Babies...

Pierce (Impiercinator/ Piercie Poo)
He looks so sophisticated!
Bella (Bella Roo, Poopy Roo, Toot Toot)
Play Ball with her and you will forever have her heart.
Clyde (Clydius Maximus, C-Unit, Devil Cat)
If you don't this is precious, then you are probably evil!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's Spring Time!

We have been keeping busy around Casa de Adams. We planted our flower bed for the spring and put a little stone border around it. For some reason, I did not get any pictures of the stone border so I will try post more soon. In the meantime, here are some of our pretty flowers.
Now I am not claiming to be Neil Sperry or anything, but these are pretty dang good considering I can't ever keep anything alive! Maybe I will get better every year. Oh and yes, we were taking pictures at night :)
Check out the daisy in the middle below. It's a conjoined twin!
Now we are just playing with the new camera... A lot to learn but the pictures sure are purdy!
We will see how long we can keep them alive!
x x x