Friday, December 26, 2008

Our First Christmas!

It's our first Christams as a married couple. How did we spend it? The day of Christmas we were at home with our furbabies. The boys (Pearce and Clyde) were on a major catnip high all day. Bella got a new puppet and several toys from Grandma.
Jud was pumped about his new golf bag and sour patch kids! Juli got us an Our First Christmas ornament. I had been looking for one I liked with no luck. It was perfect!
Over all our first Christmas was relaxing! We love getting to lounge around with each other all day in our home.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Tis the Season!

Jud put up Christmas lights again this year as a part-time job. He works really hard doing it but we love the extra money it brings in. Last year he didn't get to put lights up on our own house because we did not move in until Dec 20th. So of course this year it was a must that I get Christmas lights put up. Here are some of the pictures...

We also decided it was time to update the Christmas tree. So we purchased a 9' tree this year. Holy O'Christmas tree! It is huge but I love it!!